Mr. Tebo and the Blizzard of '78
February 5, 2023 marks the 45th anniversary of the Blizzard of ‘78, a catastrophic nor'easter that caught New England by surprise, dropping 27 inches onto the 21 inches that previously fell two weeks before, killing nearly 100 people, injuring 4,500, and causing more than $500 billion in damage (Patriot Ledger, February 5, 2022). The suddenness of the storm, despite the best efforts of meteorologist Harvey Leonard in his first year, stranded many on the Mass Pike and shut things down for three days. There have most definitely been worse storms since, but this one will always stand out for me, and will forever remind me of three people in my life; Peter Gosselin, Leo Lussier, and Mark Tebo. I was a hyperactive fourth grader at Taft Elementary School in the winter of ‘77-’78, but before that attended the North Uxbridge School (later named Victoria Blanchard school after the respected principal in charge w...