Rasputin and the Last Czar (Part I)
The United States emerged as a superpower as the world wars drew to a close. On cue, as the universe tried to strike a balance, Russia (then called the USSR or Soviet Union), emerged as our superpower nemesis, the Joker to our Batman. The histories of both countries are inundated with modest beginnings, great achievements and terrible tragedies, but the history of Russia is much more secretive and eccentric. Even among the many fantastic stories that strained credibility, the events surrounding Czar Nicholas II and Rasputin stand out. The origins of the country we know as Russia can be traced back to 862 AD (according to History.com), and the first czar (or tzar, or csar, or tsar) is listed as Ivan IV, or Ivan the Terrible in 1547. The title of czar, like kaiser, originates from Caesar, and the history of Russia is a long tale of authoritarian rule. But, it’s also a history of terrible winters, vodka, and secre...